The Automotive Central Body Controller(CBC), or body control module, supervises and Control functions related to the car body such as lights, windows, security, door locks and access control, and various comfort Control. The CBC also operates as a gateway for bus and network interfaces to interact with remote electronic control units (ECU) for other systems. Control of various loads comes directly from remote Electronic Control Units via CAN/LIN communication or directly from the central body module.
Body control is different than other systems, like the powertrain, which has a well-defined control loop with microseconds or less to execute a task. Body-related applications involve hundreds of events running in parallel that must be prioritized and executed through multiple communications channels, creating heavy traffic. The CBC processes multiple and simultaneous driver and passenger requirements through switches and sensors located throughout the vehicle, including automatic and safety-related systems such as windshield wipers and lighting. The traffic of interrupt-driven tasks and real-time control increases with the increasing number of features for luxury models; therefore processors range from basic to high-performance to meet increasing requirements.
This design is for reference only. The design, as well as the products suggested, has not been tested for compatibility or interoperability.